Friday, 11 February 2011

Get on board.

Lost 83-73 at the 'Saracens' in the 'Quiz League', which was dissapointing. Had a terrible week pain wise, and my anxiety is creeping back to sinister proportions. To try and lift the gloom. I watched a couple of episodes of the 'Double Deckers' on 'DVD'. The First copy that my wife bought me for Christmas had disc 1 missing, on what is a Two disc set. She got it from 'Amazon', and they sent another complete copy in exchange for the faulty One which we have now sent back. I remember this show on its original broadcast in 1971, and had'nt seen it since 'ITV' repeated some episodes about 1988. The adventures of 'Scooper',Brains','Doughnut','Tiger','Sticks', 'Billie' and 'Spring' lasted for 17 episodes, and for its time was an expensive production especially for a 'childrens' show. Although I was only about 9 when it first came on, I had a crush on 'Gillian Bailey' who played 'Billie'. She would have been about 12 at the time, but she reminded me of a girl that I knew. The girl in question was 'Jackie Allen', who I always fancied, but she never gave me a second glance. She lived opposite my Uncles house, and my cousins played with her. She was'nt in my 'Junior' school, but was at the same 'comprehensive' later. She used to have fleshy coloured lips, like she was wearing the Pink lipstick that was worn in the 1960's. As we grew up, it was the mixed 'PE' lessons that saw her shine with natural beauty. Most of the Girls wore a 'Polo' top, and Blue 'Shorts'. She wore said top, but instead of 'Shorts', she wore those 'Swimming Trunk' like bottoms that some Female athletes still wear even now. These not only showed off her perfectly formed 'Arse', but the tight 'gusset' showed every contour of her 'Fanny'. I never got a look in as my 'Acne' was so bad, that I had a face like a 'Margaurita'. She did acknowledge me once, when both of our Mom's were in hospital at the same time and we were both visiting.
Back to the series. Episode 1 sees 'Brains' design a 'Hovercraft', and 'Tiger' accidentaly starts it, which leads to a massive slapstick chase through the studio and on  location. Episode 2 sees 'Doughnut' eat some 'Jelly' from an experiment by 'Brains'. He turns invisible, only to find out in the end it was a dream. A nice feature in this episode is scenes filmed in a toy shop. There are lots of advertising and displays of toys from that era including 'Triang','Sindy', and 'Major Matt Mason'. Nostalgic indeed, very nostalgic in fact. The only other 'DVD' viewed was 'Tropic Thunder' A clever idea, but it tries to be too clever and so loses some of its humour.

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