Wednesday, 12 January 2011

A 'hop' too far.

One of the hobbies I have had to give up because of my ill health, is 'groundhopping'. Basically you try to visit a different football ground each time, and I had got to no 296. Most of them were Non League and as I was'nt a 'Die Hard' got to go every week type, it took about 20 years overall. I did attend The 'Easter; Hops in 'Cornwall' a couple of times. Here they staggered kick off times so you could visit a match in the morning, One in the afternoon, and One in the evening. The 'Hellenic' league went One better by having Four games on 'August Bank Holiday' in 2000 and again in 2001. The record however, is held by the 'Central Midlands League'. I did'nt attend this event, but on 'Easter' Saturday 2005, they fitted in Five games in One day. It was helped by having Three of the grounds being only a few Hundred yards apart in the same road, and the others were only about Two miles away.
My mate always wanted to take me to 'Scotland' for my 300th ground, probobly 'Wick Acedemy' right in the far 'North East' near 'John O Groats'. As my health started to deteriorate, I stopped watching football over Two years ago, so I will probobly never reach the milestone. We nearly did do a 'Scottish' Non league ground though, and it would have made us legends if we had have gone. Here is the story............................
The 'Scottish FA Cup' Third round in November 2008 was in turmoil because of poor weather. An all Non League clash between 'Dalbeattie Star' and 'Forres Mechanics' had been postponed, and because they had no floodlights, the replay would have to be the following Saturday. Most 'English' Non League teams have floodlights, but a lot in 'Scotland' do not. It was postponed a further Twice, when the 'Scottish' FA said they must play it on a weekday when the weather allowed. So the match was to go ahead on Monday 15th December 2008 kick off 1.15. Now what has this got to do with me and my mate? you may ask. Well at the time. My mate was a Courier, who did a Monday package delivery from the Midlands to 'Glasgow'. 'Dalbeattie; is in the South West of 'Scotland, and would have only added about 30 miles to his normal journey if he made a detour. I decided that I would'nt be well enough to travel that far, and in the end, he did'nt have a delivery that week anyway.. If things had been different. It would have given us bragging rights in the'groundhopping' fraternity. 'Dalbeattie Star' on a Monday afternoon would have put us in the realms of 'hopping' folklore forever.

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